Exceptional Purpose Program

Success in any area of life
depends on self-confidence,
belief in your own abilities

And most importantly,
belief in your capacity to
influence the lives of others
for the better
— this is the vital key

To Keep You On-Track Without Mishaps!

What is the
Exceptional Purpose

An ‘umbrella’ program of services offering a practical ongoing guide through the maze
of your unconscious levels of mind,
so that your fullest potential
Professionally, PersonallySpiritually
may be realised in the world

Stifled by weird circumstances
you can’t seem to control?

Feel Like You’re Doing Things
the Hard Way?

It happens to the best of us !

There is an answer

My astrological research has focused largely on these weird patterns and how they can stifle your attempt to fulfill your Life Purpose. Awareness is vital for the Mindfulness it takes to begin the process of reclaiming your inherent power. Though, this does not limit my work simply to uncovering this insidious thought-form in your deep psyche.

Over the past 37 years, I have assembled a collection of interconnected tools and resources to help you manifest your higher aspirations in the outer world, globally. And this global reach will be even more imperative in the next global paradigm we’ll find ourselves in from 2023.

Calendar diary page

The Value:
Why Book the Exceptional Purpose Program?

Structure always provides Support

Your astrology chart is unique to you alone. Your subconscious imprints and your deepest unconscious concepts can be recognised quickly and turned to advantage through the skillful use of astrological knowledge.

But permanent change takes effort and discipline; and to have regular support, even if only a monthly 20-minute phone call, can keep the momentum for change happening.

Your own commitment is your most valuable resource.

RESULTS are always a product of their CAUSES

The Services Available
for You

You can redesign your life, growing it exponentially, when you receive ongoing guidance from someone who understands how your particular subtle-mind works, especially when the guide (that’s me!) is enthusiastic about assisting you to become your own master.

This is why I created the Exceptional Purpose Program for you. You can choose any of the following services in any combination at any time. Although, beginning with the Yogacara Astrology sessions is vital for my diagnosis (more on those at my Living With Exceptional Purpose site).

The Exceptional Purpose Program is not obligatoryno contracts to sign, apart from the commitment you make to yourself. Though, having a Plan is better. So,  these services will be available to you at any time after your first Yogacara Astrology session.

Note: These image links below
will take you to my specialty websites

black buddha

Yogacara Astrology Sessions

Kerrie’s advanced system of Astrology for Higher Career potentials as Life Purpose; diagnosing subtle past-life Self-Sabotage; and Insightful Spiritual Inspiration.

black buddha

StrategyTransits Astrology Sessions

Using current astrological influences in your birth chart for opportunities & planning (after a full analysis of your birth chart). Beneficial annually or bi-annually.

black buddha

Progress Sessions for Guidance

Casual or brief monthly check-ins or In-depth exposés; Sabotage checks; Pep talks; evaluating current chart dynamics to  over-ride self-sabotaging forces.

Half astrology chart

Flower Essences

To assist personal inner change, from within your mind and brain; avoiding subtle self-sabotage; enhancing your abilities & potentials

RedgateSpace banner blurb cameo

RedgateSpace Web Design

Empower your cyber homes for sabotage-free creative living: custom website design built on WordPress with Divi for your Exceptional Purpose

Kerrie Redgate lecture (cameo)

Astrology Courses

To reveal, support, and inspire your purpose and inherent talents, sharpening your awareness, both personally and professionally: learn this skill

Various areas of your psyche/brain can be operating
during specific types of challenges.
Personal Astrological knowledge can define these for you.

It is vital for you to be aware of these differences in your decision-making processes, such as when you are basing decisions on:

  • a personally specific, yet unconscious survival pattern from recent lifetimes
  • specific past-life habit patterns arising from emotional reactivity
  • a completely insidious and personally specific conceptual terror (which has us doing all the WRONG things for all the RIGHT reasons!)
  • an ancient, well-hidden relationship-sabotage, being an unconscious personal concept regarding grief bundled with responsibility & guilt
  • an unbalanced view with too much reliance on the logical rather than intuitive mind — or vice versa
  • the value systems of others, throwing your higher purpose into chaos, while later generating regret, instead of clearly defining your own values at the outset
  • losing sight of your virtuous & benevolent goals for this life: reaffirming and keeping your life on track is vital

Astrology can also provide
valuable information on the timing of events:
both in hindsight for clarity, and foresight for opportunity

Our new global 20-year
Aquarius-Pluto Paradigm*
started on March 23 2023

New Goals Now Emphasising:

End of Hostility


& Change

But to do this,
we must now bring through what we have mastered
from the previous Capricorn-Pluto Paradigm,
which had emphasised…




Long-Term Goals

Kerrie Redgate dressed as a fairy with a star wand | age 7

Kerrie: fairy-astrologer
(age 7 years)

Conscience of the Company

For a decade during my 20s, as a young yet influential employee (often being dubbed ‘The Conscience of the Company’!), I had assisted a number of small businesses to grow ethically into financially successful ventures.

During the three decades since that time, I have used this same approach of fostering Ethics, Morality, and Innovation within the sessions for my Astrology clients and students, emphasising both career and relationship dynamics.

This approach fully utilises the ’cause and effect’ principle described within Buddhist teachings as karma (in Sanskrit): the actions (and outer results) derived from our mind-&-brain conditioning.

Note on the Astrology
of ‘Conscience’

If you’re already into astrology, here’s an astrological reference from my own chart for ‘The Conscience of the Company‘ —

The asteroid named Conscience is on my Virgo Midheaven and happily trining my Kronos (a Transneptunian Point), which resonates nicely with the theme of my responsible Capricorn Ascendant.

I was never afraid to fight my bosses on ethical issues within their own companies (sometimes even threatening to quit), and it served them all well!

* For an exposé of the 11 areas of our lives that will bring, and are already bringing, change and challenges to our world via this new Paradigm, see my blog post:
It’s Here—The New Aquarius-Pluto Paradigm” on my Resource Blog site.
— You’ll find 14 mostly YouTube videos and video links there that I’ve curated for you that highlight these areas well.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the quantity of videos, that page will load more slowly than usual. Please be patient! Back ↑

Kerrie Redgate

Exceptional Purpose | Astrology

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