Spotting the
in your Spaces
The Results of Kerrie’s
5-Year Clinical Study
( 1993 – 1998 )
While I am not a qualified Feng Shui Master, and certainly don’t profess to be, I did do a clinical 5-year study on where my clients’ subtle self-sabotage was evident in their astrology charts (being a reflection of their own minds), and how this was being mirrored in their environments of home and workspace, particularly in relation to the Taoist Bagua map.
Being able to correlate these Bagua areas and influences to the dynamics of the basic astrology chart has made it easy for me to spot the sabotaging symbolism in personal spaces, particularly through the deeper principles of the I Ching.
This is not only about ch’i flow,
but about the personal subtle messages
our environment is feeding us
every day
We implemented the changes and one week later we had three serious offers on the same day! The house was sold a week after that. It was so simple and effective. And the changes were not expensive.”
Subtle Sabotage
Since 1993, the clinical study I undertook has shown that your personal needs, use, and experience of any space can be harmonised and enhanced through astrological awareness of your own personal birth chart (the map of your many layers of mind).
I have initiated RedgateSpace—Living to assist in bringing harmony, peace, and inspiration to your environments (both your professional and personal spaces) in which you spend your life.
Your home and work spaces
should reflect your essential values
and support you in achieving your
highest aspirations
I don’t need to be physically present in your spaces to work with you on the subtle sabotage that you may be harbouring in your home or office. We can do this via Skype on your tablet or phone camera, and with a rough house/room plan. I’ll have your birth chart to guide me once we’ve done at least the initial BigView session together.

And Not-So-Subtle Sabotage
A clever work of art, but imagine waking up to this every morning! Or even walking into the room at bedtime!
What is the message here?
It may seem harmless enough on the surface, but to the subconscious mind, this work of art has huge meaning; and over time, this would not be conducive to a feeling of safety or personal power.
You could be programming your brain to believe that authorities (bosses, teachers, police, even bank managers) are constantly overpowering you! If you had severe issues with authorities in a significant past-life, this would deepen your worst expectations, and recreate that reality now.

The psychological impact of your spaces is defined by the subtle inner stirrings you feel from your immediate environment. Moods, Decisions, and your Higher Purpose, can all be sabotaged by your own havens of home and office.
Chaos, Colour-Imbalances, Complex Shapes, Uncomfortable Materials, Flow-Blocks, Old Stuff, Dangerous Objects, Melancholic Memorabilia, Darkness, Inefficiency, Clutter, all contribute to a deficiency of life-force and creative flow in your being. Depressing surroundings will not allow your Spirit to soar!
By integrating Taoist Bagua principles with the knowledge of your personal astrological imprints, we can correct these influences, bringing you into harmony with the Present : supported, not challenged, by your surroundings.

focuses on healing your
through purposeful
of furniture
for ch’i flow
of artwork
& cultural
specific colouring
for your
This street (below) in Venice just has to make you smile. The vibrancy of the happy colours has made a huge difference to what could have been a dull grey street. Plus the addition of the flowers and greenery uplifts the mood and provides a balancing, and living, contrast with the hard, flat surfaces of the buildings.
You would expect strong, self-assertive, happy people to live in these houses. What you choose to be surrounded by can either raise or lower your sense of self-esteem, through echoing back to you your own self-image and values. This goes for the exterior as well as the interior of your home or workplace.

Now, let’s remove most
of the colour
from that streetscape.
How would you now feel
walking down that street?
What would be your
subconscious impression
of that neighbourhood?

While you may not want to paint your own house in the bright colours of the original photograph, that vibrant street would have left a lasting impression on you, especially as a tourist.
This dull contrast, immediately above, while neat enough, is not so inspiring, and may not hold your attention for very long with little contrast to the otherwise elegant grey.
And you can see how important the green of the plants and the colourful flowers can be to any space!
But it’s not only the artistic design of a place that can affect you. If you live or work in a disorganised room full of clutter (and this includes the clutter on your desk), it can indicate a lack of self-respect and a feeling of powerlessness. This is a subtle sabotage trick of the ego-mind.
As a Buddhist, and as a vegan (for the last 40+ years), Â I also do not recommend leather, feather-fillings for cushions and doonas, or animal skins of any kind in your spaces (especially not for walking on!).
Apart from the fact that dead things are discouraged in classical Feng Shui —
begins at home!
An Example of Subtle-Sabotage
in a Home Environment
I like to study interior design books for inspiration—the heavy coffee table volumes you can find in libraries. And I have a habit of scrutinising every image for subtle-sabotage in the rooms. This is actually quite a fruitful exercise, because no matter how artfully—and expensively—the rooms have been designed, there is frequently a glaring object, or painting, that screams of ‘subtle’ sabotage.
A Recent Case I Discovered:
A large open-plan livingroom with open dining area attached, and a mezzanine hallway balcony above. Three major areas of every-day living, centred around a huge, striking painting by Victor Rodriguez  (in full view from all these areas) of an unsolved Rubik’s Cube (of many colours!) that had been tossed violently into a glass of water (artful water splashing up in the air).
Due to copyright, I can’t reproduce the painting or the house image here, but you can view the painting on the website:
‘Giant Rubik Splash’ by Victor Rodriguez
Think about it: despite this being a colourful, well-executed, and artful object, what does that painting actually represent? (I’ll solve the riddle—not the Cube—for you at the bottom of this page.)

Tao & Mind
The ancient Taoist Principles (employed in Feng Shui) are a perfect complement to Astrology as they both involve your subconscious mind. Astrology not only reveals your higher purpose and any subtly sabotaging factors, but also uncovers the causes of both for deeper clarity.
With skill in the psychological attributes of symbolism and mind, you can actually see these hidden concepts and beliefs in 3-D in your own living and work environments. Any sabotaging concepts can be altered with purposeful guidance through subtly altering your home or office in accord with what is found in your (or your business’s) astrology map.
Here’s an easy one!
Imagine coming home
to this front door!
China & Tao
Taoist Philosophy applies these same phenomenal principles through a deep respect for the elements that make up our being (earth, water, wood, fire, and metal), in accord with the teachings found within the I Ching (pron. yee jing).
And just as your diet needs to be altered for various seasons, some aspects of your home environment can also be adjusted when you live in a seasonal clime.
These teachings help to bring you back to a state of inner balance within your external environment.
Each one of us is composed of a different ratio of these elements. And again, it is the science of Astrology that can so quickly identify these elemental imbalances in your constitution as well as from transiting astrological influences.

Feng Shui is but one expression of the genius of the ancient Chinese philosophy of the Tao [pron. dow to rhyme with British ‘cow’], a philosophy which is at the heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine (including Acupuncture).
The Tao is concerned with the flow, changes, and balance of all things, and this especially concerns yourself within your own environments. And this also extends to what foods you eat within particular locales and seasons.
For example, people living in Scotland do not traditionally eat papaya and juicy raw fruits (which, of course, do not grow naturally in the environment of Scotland) as these take heat from the body for digestion. Instead, the Scottish are famous for their consumption of warming foods such as oats.
The Balinese, by contrast, do not eat oats in Bali’s hot, humid environment. They eat cooling foods such as fruits and lightly cooked vegetables and rice with some fish. Though, they do quickly fry foods first in hot oil which helps to destroy the health-depleting microscopic parasites that can thrive within foods grown in warm humid climates. (One of the reasons we cook food!)
However, being a committed Buddhist and Reiki Teacher, I have been given an extra technique, almost lost in antiquity, that I can apply in spaces to heal and uplift.
This technique involves providing written sacred Buddhist mantras (for which I have received Empowerments from Tibetan Rinpoches),  and/or authentic Reiki Symbols (if you feel comfortable with this orientation) which can be hidden in certain areas of your house to bless, uplift, and protect.
These are not superstitious ‘magic spells’, but perfect archetypes which act as invitations to both your own higher consciousness, and to powerfully compassionate Beings in Spirit, to bring healing to your life. Hanging and placing sacred objects in your home, objects to which you feel spiritually connected and which uplift you, will bring a similar result.
Tibetan Bön & Buddhism
Two other influences that have helped to reshape the classical art of Feng Shui, creating new branches over the centuries, have been the principles of the ancient practices of the indigenous Tibetan Bön religion and also Buddhist philosophy. These brought a decidedly grounded spiritual and ritualistic emphasis to Feng Shui practice, and further developed the esoteric component.
Feng Shui, as it has become popularised in the West, has inevitably been watered down by “quick path” techniques, as has hatha yoga practice, Tai Chi, and various other ancient systems of health and wellbeing. Even the acupuncture taught in Western colleges is missing the vital, subtle nuances of the life-long study and apprenticeships it once demanded in ancient China.
Taoism as a philosophy is as natural as breathing, but its study requires dedication, time, and humility. In this regard, even though an independent  student of Taoist philosophy for more than four decades, I am in no way proclaiming myself to be a Feng Shui Master.
The Unconscious
The subconscious mind will always draw you to the familiar, while that level of consciousness has no judgement as to whether an object or artwork may have a subtly sabotaging or inspiring effect on your efforts and goals (from the higher executive brain).
Only an obvious, open threat in the present moment will stir the subconscious.
A powerful sabotaging effect can occur as the subconscious mind relates to your outer reality purely through symbols, much like your experiences in the dream state while sleeping. Being aware of your own symbolism can be an enlightening experience!
Astrology is a marvellous tool when employed in revealing what is buried in the mind-stream as well as highlighting the direction for this present incarnation.
Personal Astrology maps, or Composite maps for couples and families, or Business maps (Registration or Opening dates), can be utilised for this purpose, and are an important adjunct to the entire process. Each space is individual and has a life of its own, dictated by its occupants.
The Art of Placement does not stop at buildings and rooms, but can also be incorporated, quite significantly, into the mindful placement of objects on your desk and kitchen bench, as well as into the designs of your business cards and of course, your cyberhome—your website.
Every space you visually encounter has a Bagua map that corresponds to your deepest conceptions about outer reality.
Psychological and even spiritual healing modalities you employ may be subtly sabotaged by the spaces in which you live and work. If you have objects reflecting your difficult past-life experiences (from this and other lifetimes) placed in areas of a room or house related to their stories, you may suffer psychological or even health setbacks.
Trad or Modern — Eastern or Western?
There is much more to Feng Shui than hanging faceted crystal spheres and windchimes, and the placement of Fu dogs; and you don’t have to encorporate Chinese charms and gadgets into your spaces.
Feng Shui is a system of principles based on the yin-yang processes described in Taoism, and can be utilised to replace the negative influences of your inappropriate personal symbolism.
Often this may be a simple process of moving an object to another corner of the room or to another room in the house.
At times, new objects or colours are suggested. Yogacara Astrology can specifically indicate the symbolic objects, colours and the textures / elements that support and harmonise with your spiritual / practical needs. And inappropriate old pieces may have to go!
I don’t use the Lo-Pan (Feng Shui compass) in my assessments (as do some highly qualified Feng Shui experts from other Feng Shui traditions), as I’m working more on a spiritual-psychological rather than a phenomenal level, and also in close conjunction with the Western astrological map.
I am, though, greatly inspired by the philosophy and methods of Black Sect Feng Shui, utilising the ancient psychological tradition of the 8-directions of the Feng Shui Bagua from Taoist and Tibetan Bön sources, and which includes Tantric Buddhist practices.
Of course, I also pay considerable attention to directions of sun and light access, seasonal changes, and other phenomenal attributes.
Colours, shapes, and the geometrical relationships between the objects in your home, office, or work-space, can have a profound effect on your inner experiences of life.
One Warning Regarding Some
Traditional Feng Shui Systems
DO NOT allow anyone to tell you that you will have 9 years of bad luck or ill health! You are ultimately in control of your mind at all times, and you are in control of your own life. No one has the right to program your brain in that way!

If you would like to study an authentic translation of the ancient Taoist I Ching, I suggest the following books, all by Taoist Master Alfred Huang.
- The Complete I Ching (10th Anniversary Edition): The Definitive Translation;
- Understanding the I Ching: Restoring a Brilliant, Ancient Culture;
- and if you’re really keen:
The Numerology of the I Ching: A Sourcebook of Symbols, Structures, and Traditional Wisdom
Also, Thomas Cleary‘s translations of ancient Taoist texts are authentic and unembellished.
The RedgateSpace–Living serviceÂ
is offered only as anÂ
InnerView session option
in conjunction with personal or business
Yogacara Astrology consultations
Consultations may be
conducted for any location via
internet video call.
House/room plans or photos can be emailed to me in advance;Â and you can give me a live online tour of your space by connecting with me via your portable device (phone or tablet).
Your Astrology chart is needed for correct diagnosis of your personal issues/pastlife triggers involved in the space (and also for your business map when needed).
If you’re wondering, the twisted building in the banner of this page isÂ
The Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health — Las Vegas,
designed by architect, Frank Gehry of Gehry Partners in Santa Monica, California.
Hmm … Well, it certainly is a brain-twister!
Quite an engineering feat, but good Feng Shui?
… What do you think?
(Photo credit: Nick Fewings via Unsplash)
From my description, above, did you get that the painting was a symbol of failure?
Not only failure, but the frustration that comes with it.
Viewing the painting daily would ‘wire’ the brain
to affirm that one cannot solve problems
— life is ‘too hard’. And THAT becomes the reality!
You can view the room images on pages 51 and 52-53 of
Interiors: Texture and Harmony / Textura y ArmonÃa,
© 2012 Fernando de Haro and Omar Fuentes,
a colourful book on elegantly modern interior design.