Kerrie Redgate
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Your Heart’s Consciousness Is The Seat Of Wisdom | Kerrie Redgate | 1:40 minutes
Daniel Garbett: The Thrive Academy
An excerpt from a 2-part interview on my astrology research, on Daniel Garbett’s Thrive Academy podcast. This excerpt covers my research into the functional link between Chiron and the Heart in our birth charts and brain, and how this relates to Life Purpose.
And they’ve also discovered that … the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart. And, so, that’s why the ancients of all cultures have always said, “The Heart is the seat of wisdom”. And so that, you know, in the West we go “Errr, what’s that?”. But it is!
When people say, “Follow your heart”, that’s what they mean.
And I think the heart, because wisdom comes from the past, so I look at this logically. Wisdom is a “past” thing. It comes from the past. You don’t get wisdom from nothing. You get wisdom from experience.
So, the heart must contain the memory of all the experiences that we want to reinstate in this lifetime. We want to do this again, but it’s telling us how to do it safely.
Whereas the Chiron comes in with the bodhicitta energy that says, “I don’t care if we die. If the body dies, so what, we just get another one. What’s the problem?”.
You know, so Chiron’s got that kind of energy that comes in and says, “We’re doing this! We’re going that way! We’ve got to change that political system! We’ve got to change the way they do that! We’ve got to rescue those poor little turtles on that island!”. Whatever it is, it’s got that mission that relates to a lot of other lifetimes we’ve had. This, this thing we haven’t been able to finish.
But the heart, it listens to the heart if they’re connected together, and that’s when the wisdom comes through.
So the heart brings up the wisdom. The Chiron brings in the master plan. So. But having said that, the entire chart is a map of your life purpose.
Purpose or Exceptional Purpose? | podcast episode | 21:31 minutes
Genuine Astrology. A Zodiac without stars. Your brain. The reincarnation of the mindstream. And how your personal astrology chart relates to not only your purpose, but your potential to live with Exceptional Purpose, and why you should. Plus, a few good little stories for you to contemplate. This first episode is a bit of a smorgasbord to get us started. But I hope you’ll try every dish.
So there’s just one thing I need to get out of the way before we begin. I need to crumple up any notion you may have in your head of those dastardly sun sign horoscope columns, and I mean horror as in h-o-r-r-o-r as having anything to do with the precious science of astrology. They are completely bogus, not real, fake.
There is a system to how they write those things but the system is not based on anything real so please don’t waste your time or especially your money on those things, don’t let anyone program your brain like that. They are simply rubbish. OK?
So I’m going to give you a little bit of my research here so you can understand what astrology is, and what the astrology chart actually portrays.
Firstly, the zodiac that’s used in Western systems of astrology has nothing at all to do with Fxed Stars or star constellations in space. That old belief does not hold water anymore in any system apart from perhaps the Jyotish system of india. They still use those stars.
The Western culture zodiac has entirely different routes that could not have been even imagined in ancient times. I’m currently writing a book about the science behind all of this, but I’ll give you some little snippets along the way here. So let’s begin at the beginning.
Your astrology chart is a snapshot of the solar system through the lens of the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Now this snapshot was taken at the moment when you drew your first breath as this is the moment when you became separated from your mother’s protective energy field. You experienced your outer environment independently, and that first breath set the hard wiring, if you will, in your brain. Your brain’s neural net was in resonance with the Earth’s field in that moment and this is a really important point.
You can think of it as perhaps a kind of symphony of frequencies playing throughout the solar system. There’s like a harmony of resonance there and it changes all the time. And you resonated with one particular moment of that entire symphony because it was a familiar set of frequencies. The brain, as you’re probably aware, functions on frequencies and resonance.
So everything we experience from our outer world is actually just a bunch of waveforms. They’re frequencies that go into the brain, and the brain interprets the familiarity of those frequencies and puts it into pictures or sounds or whatever apparatus we’re using, or a scent or a touch, and that’s how we create our world. So this resonance thing is really important so because this was a familiar set of frequencies for you.
You will always resonate with those frequencies throughout your life as they’re your karmic imprints from the past and I mean a deeper past as karma is a function of cause and effect it’s like, you know, if you want good effects then you have to create good causes, but that’s another story we’ll get into in another episode but basically here it is: everything in our universe functions by the process of cause and effect.
I do not believe in randomness or chaos. I think chaos is simply a name we give to a mechanism or process we don’t yet understand. We used to think that weather was random chaos, but everything in the universe, every little particle is striving to find balance with everything else in its environment.
This is the basis of electricity. And I’m not the first person to state that the universe is process. The universe essentially functions on harmony, not chaos. And this is basic ancient taoist philosophy from the great chinese philosophers of antiquity. So, due to the familiarity you had felt with those frequencies, your astrology chart must be a map of your past, a map of the causes and conditions that had led to your birth.
So we have to conclude that the first observation here is that there was a past. I’m not talking about your experiences in the womb. I’m talking about a thread of consciousness that is your memory, a thread that stretches back through centuries. One of my lifelong studies and curiosities has been the rebirth of the mind stream, the deathlessness of consciousness.
The reason for my fascination is that, as a small child, around about the age of four, I had a vivid recollection of the last part of my last life, and I remember telling people about it. But of course they didn’t listen. So by the age of seven I vowed to prove that we come back after we die. And I believe I’ve done that now, and that’s part of my research which is something we’ll get into at another time.
But over many years that past-life memory has been validated by various independent psychics and mediums, by kinesiology, and by astrology itself.
In fact I have my astrology chart from that last lifetime when I was born in London in the early 20th century, and it matches the information I’d been given about my purpose in that life. I’m currently writing a book about reincarnation based on my exclusive research and that will be free in the digital version. Of course you can always pay me for the paper and audio, that would be nice. But the digital version will be free because I want everyone to read it, including skeptics, because this is really important research. And it’s the kind of research that’s never been done before.
But the reason I bring up the past here is that when it comes to purpose we cannot know where we are going until we know where we have been. Our purpose, and especially our exceptional purpose, are dependent upon a strong motivation to heal or finish something that has been undone for a very long time.
We’ve had experiences in a deeper past that now grant us the gift of wisdom that other people may not have in that area, and it’s often this wisdom that we tend to discount within ourselves. We have to remember that what is obvious to us may not be so obvious to others. And this brings us to purpose and exceptional purpose.
Living with purpose is to have a goal in life and the drive and discipline to achieve that goal Life itself becomes the challenge and that challenge may be personal.
But an exceptional purpose has a broader vision. It’s a purpose that is unique in some way and that will make a difference to many other people or beings on this planet. It’s a legacy, and quite usually in our earlier years we do get the clues about that. But our present reality pins us down to a mundane expression what I call the supermarket mentality.
You know, you can be having one of those magical days when realizations appear in your mind you begin to see everything differently you feel a kind of spiritual presence within you. But you need to grab some food at the supermarket. And you walk through those big glass sliding doors and within a matter of seconds whammo! You’re back in the mundane world thinking about mundane problems, past issues, and the prices of apples. The magic disappears.
So here’s a brief example from a long time ago: I had a client who presented with dissatisfaction regarding his current work. He wasn’t happy. And he was looking for something more meaningful. This is the first thing I said to him, which sprang right out at me from his birth chart: I said “You’re here to clarify people’s views”. I then asked him what he was actually doing, he said “I run my own business”. So I asked what it was. He replied “I wash windows”. I said “Yes, you’re clarifying people’s views but not quite in the way I think you could be doing it.”
He was working on the physical level rather than the mental-emotional. He’d had a greater attribute to help others, and that’s what was being stifled.
And here’s a good analogy that was dropped into my head a long time ago. It’s a useful way of looking at perception. It’s about a knife.
Now, when I say knife, what do you see as its purpose? How would you use it? I’ll explain: You can take the same knife and give it to three different people.
The first person sees it only as a weapon to protect himself. That’s his concept of “knife”. He can’t think beyond that point.
The second person sees it as a kitchen utensil. She can now use it to slice the vegetables into little bite-sized pieces to cook the stew much more quickly for the family. And that’s a more nurturing way of using the knife.
But the third person sees the knife entirely differently. He is so grateful for the gift of the knife because he has always wanted to carve a beautiful statue of a Buddha that may inspire people to meditate and to live more spiritual and peaceful lives for perhaps the next 200 years.
You see, it’s the same knife. The first person who sees the knife as a weapon is living without purpose, he’s only waiting for life to come at him. A lot of people live like this. It’s sort of like being a marble inside a pinball machine. They just get bounced around from thing to thing, and place to place, without any real direction or purpose. They just let life wash over them, and it’s not really a great way to take advantage of a precious human life.
But anyhow, the second person who uses the knife in the kitchen is living with purpose, which is fine, but it’s a short-term result that has to be repeated every day.
But the third person has moved beyond self and those close to him, he’s embracing a larger family, and he wants to make a lasting impression in people’s lives for a long time to come, beyond his own limited lifespan. He’s moving the culture. And this is exceptional purpose.
Now, your astrology chart can be read like this, but it depends on the level of awareness of the astrologer, or the awareness level of the clients that an astrologer chooses to work with. That’s why you’ll always get a different reading of your chart from different astrologers. It’s the same chart, but it can be interpreted and explained and also used at different levels.
Like the various story levels of a mandala used in meditation practices. A mandala is a flat plan of a three-dimensional palace. We start at the base and we gradually work our way up to enlightenment at the top. Take a look at some photographs, if you haven’t been there, of Borobudor in Java. It’s a gigantic mandala in stone. It’s a magnificent building so take a look at that.
Anyway the subconscious mind only has one way of seeing something because it’s based on memory. But being more conscious and deliberate about your motivation in life will free you to see opportunities you’d otherwise miss. So consciousness is everything.
Now, before you think that the third knife example is beyond you, take a moment to consider those who’ve already moved culture. The now classic example of course is Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak who together changed the course of personal computing. We would not even have Windows if Steve Jobs had decided to just, you know, sell cars or something after dropping out of college.
Bill Gates was hired by Jobs as a programmer to help in the team that designed the graphic interface for the Macintosh. You know, the little trash cans and things on the screen. That was a huge innovation in computing. We take it for granted now, of course. But then Gates went off and made his own version of the software that he called Windows. Which is why Microsoft spent many, many years in law courts with Apple.
If not for Jobs and Wozniac’s brilliance, we’d probably all still be using Microsoft’s original MS-DOS computer language. It was all nonsensical code. Guy Kawasaki has called MS-DOS “a crime against humanity”, and I agree! I spent seven years on MS-DOS when I started out with astrology. The first software for astrological chart calculation was written in MS-DOS. I then spent 20 years on Windows before finally being able to switch to Apple due to some astrological and other software innovations just six years ago.
And please don’t think you have to already be an expert or a master in the field you’d really like to work within. It takes time. Your astrology chart will indicate your past experiences in a specific area and that experience helps you to learn faster, to pick up those ancient threads again. But it’s still a process.
When Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak presented their first personal computer for sale in a local computer club, it didn’t even have a case or a cover. It was just a bunch of wires and metal bits on a board. It was on a wooden board! So mastery takes time. It takes time, it takes focus and dedication. But it is achievable.
We’ll talk more on that, and some of the attributes we need for cultivating an exceptional purpose, in the next episode, in episode 2. But for now I want to tell you an important story. It’s a true story about a friend of mine. She was finally living her exceptional purpose. She was gaining a good reputation for her work. Municipal Councils were hiring her and paying her quite well. But she’d been in a very destructive relationship for a long time, which was a major part of her own subtle sabotage, and she simply decided one day to quit the work she’d been doing, altogether. Just a cold matter of fact refusal to continue with her success.
And before long she was diagnosed with cancer. Her spiritual consciousness was clearly frustrated. She struggled with the disease for six years, trying all sorts of miracle-cure gadgets, never really looking at the cause within her own mind. And then she was finally placed into a hospice. They told her she had one week to live. I was 1,000 kilometres away and couldn’t get to her, so I phoned her at the hospice. And she said to me, “I’m ready now. I want to do this work now. I’m really ready. I can beat this. I know I can. I can do this now.”
This happens with all of us. Only when we’re crushed by time do we strive to achieve our true desires. Her spirit was so strong. And one week later, well, she died. Just 44 years of age. Her body no longer had the strength to carry her.
And this is not an isolated case. Sometimes we need to be confronted with our own mortality before we see the urgency of living life deliberately and with an exceptional purpose.
So don’t think small. Be like the sculptor: think beyond your own lifetime. It’s not just one little part of your astrology chart, not one planet or sensitive point, but the entire chart that defines your motivation for incarnating, that defines your highest purpose. That in itself says a lot.
I have always seen a coherent pattern in every birth chart. Every little piece is relevant to the purpose of that individual’s life. Like a plot in a film or a novel, nothing is wasted. It’s all part of one story. However, the expression of that story will vary according to your own development, and the needs and opportunities of the time.
Your career is not your purpose. Your career is an expression, a vehicle, for that purpose. Culture changes, and you must adapt your purpose to the culture, or create the culture yourself.
Way back in 1987, when I was starting out as a professional astrologer, I was told by a highly respected spiritual medium that I was playing with a child’s tool when I had the ability to create the tool. I had no idea at that time of what she was talking about. But I have created a new system of astrology that is way beyond where I was in 1987.
And you can do this too, in your own field. We’re all capable of reshaping what we already know into something far more useful. It takes awareness and curiosity, and a bit of daring, to try something different.
When I was brainstorming I’d had heaps of ideas that didn’t float, but I abandoned them immediately and went at the problem from a different angle. There was a lot about astrology that bothered me back in the old days so I fixed it.
When I was a rock singer in my 20s, there were no apps like Garageband or iMovie.
There were no personal computers, no pocket phones, no YouTube, no internet.
I’ve lived on two planets: one wired, Wi-Fied and connected; and the other analogued and disconnected. And because I’ve lived on two planets, I’ve had to adapt. I use very different tools now when I’m working with people, to what I did all those years ago. And I’ve had to master a lot of technology in order to do it. And i’ve taken advantage of the times we now live in.
So your life, your brain, are finite. So use them while you can. You’ll get another body when you return, but the person you are now, the personality, the particular attributes and type of talents organized for this era, will never live again. You as “you” are unique, an expression of a frozen moment in the time of the solar system. You are its potential. And you are essentially a stream of consciousness, a thread of memory.
But there is no solid self behind that mindstream because you are constantly evolving and altering your own brain chemistry and its neural net in the process. You will be a different person in your next lifetime, but you will carry the same subtle memories, wisdoms, and regrets. There is absolutely nothing worse than dying with regrets.
So, on that cheery note, before I leave you, here’s an idea: maybe try to focus this week on how you first saw that knife and what you would carve with that knife or what higher purpose you could turn it to. And then think about how you would see your present life and what could be a higher expression of the talents and skills you already have. Your purpose is already within you. It simply needs to be discovered and developed with intention. No human life is devoid of purpose. The trick is to make it exceptional.
Thank you for listening. If you’re enjoying this podcast, please leave a rating and a review if you’d like, at Apple Podcasts, and please consider subscribing. If you have questions you’d like me to answer in future episodes, you can leave me a Voice Message which you might hear on the show, after downloading the Anchor.FM podcast app. or go to my website
All the links are in the show notes there, as well. And if you’d like to know more about me and my work, my main site is And while you’re there, you can also download a couple of my Resource Guide e-booklets for business and also for authors, which is pretty much all of us now, when you subscribe to my newsletter. Have an exceptional week.
Gravity, Saturn & Your Purpose | podcast episode | 21:49 minutes
Episode 2 of “Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology” podcast, from my astrological research. Audio originally aired Oct 20 2019. Gravity within a kind of spiritual context; Saturn as it resonates with the concept of gravity. We’re also getting into radio waves here, and the significance of both these phenomena to your Purpose, with just a touch of the Tao… and other things.
So, in the last episode, I talked about the influence of the Earth’s electro-magnetic field on our brain’s neural net. And that’s the broad picture, as there are many factors involved in the changes that occur within the Earth’s field from one moment to the next.
In this episode I’m going to talk about gravity, in a kind of spiritual context, and then quite a bit about one planet in particular, and it’s significance for your Purpose.
Firstly, everything in our Solar System is electrically connected. This is important for astrology. Every planet, comet, moon, and asteroid. And both the Earth’s field, and the solar wind, are affected by everything in the solar system. Space is not actually a vacuum. Though, you may have been taught that it was, as a child, as I was taught that, too. But it’s not true. Space is actually full of plasma: charged particles that are shot out into the solar system by the sun. There’s a great juggling act going on throughout the entire cosmos, where the electrical forces of negative and positive charges, are being balanced, everywhere. These charges are the essential yin and yang of life. This is the Tao.
Traditional cosmology, still being taught today, has been a tad hung up on gravity and has missed the more obvious electrical solutions described by some fabulous mavericks of the astronomical field, including Hannes Alfvén, Anthony Peratt, and more recently, physicist Wallace Thornhill and electrical engineer Don Scott. They have both been reviving the extraordinary research work on the Aurora Borealis (or the Northern Lights) accomplished in the North Polar region by Kristian Birkeland in the very early 20th century. Also, there are some wonderful ideas and discoveries by their associate, Michael Clarage (who’s one of my favourites in the field). I’ll have more references and links on all this in the show notes for this particular episode: .
So, apart from being electrically connected, changes in the magnetic field of each planet also produce radio waves — a particular type of frequency, or combination of frequencies. Radio waves, according to NASA, can be quite different from the size of a football to literally bigger than planets! That’s just one wave form. So they’re quite amazing. Radio waves are the longest waves we’ve encountered, but they have the least energy. But, they do travel incredible distances throughout space.
Did you ever get too the movie “Contact”, with Jodie Foster? That’s one of my favourite movies. They begin that movie with all the radio transmissions going out from the Earth, out into space. And they are still going. Well, apparently, according to NASA, Marconi’s first radio signal has passed by 1,000 stars already! And it’s still going. Radio waves impact the resonance within the solar system, which ultimately affects the Earth’s field. It’s quite possible that these radio waves from the planets actually resonate with our meridian system and our corresponding brain areas when they filter through the Earth’s ionosphere.
So, through data sonification, these radio waves can be made audible for the limited range of our human hearing. And here’s a sample of the sounds from the Earth’s field, captured by NASA (remember, these are not pressure waves that our ears would normerly hear — these are part of the electro-magnetic spectrum). The brain actually feels this resonance even though we don’t normally consciously hear it. [weird spacey whistling sounds…]
Did you notice, you know, the field around the Earth often sounds like a bird conference, while at other times it’s reminiscent of whale song. Perhaps these beings are resonating with these frequencies in their own neural nets, reproducing them in an audible spectrum of sound for us. They may be creating the harmony with our world.
After years of working with people and their astrology charts, I’ve developed my own intuitive way of imagining the shapes of these sign waves—their amplitudes, their frequencies—for each of the “zodiac signs” and their corresponding planets.
Two extremes would be Taurus and Aquarius.
Taurus, and I believe it’s corresponding “body” in the solar system, being Vulcan (there is something out there, but that’s a story in itself!), may be a slow-moving, low amplitude wave with gently rounded peaks like low undulating hills. It’s a very peaceful wave.
I see Aquarius and Uranus, by contrast, as a tall, narrow amplitude with a, a kind of a sharp peak and super-fast frequency. Uranus/Aquarius is the fastest frequency we can experience among the entire range of astrological frequencies. It’s the genius waveform. It really speeds things up. That’s just to give you an idea. So getting back to purpose and exceptional purpose: There is one planet that has fascinated me for a long time. It’s very strong in my own chart, of course, and resonates with my Capricorn Ascendant. And that is Saturn. While I’ve been able to determine many resonances of planets with certain brain areas and functions, I don’t see Saturn as being a physical resonance for us. Capricorn is a very misunderstood frequency. It’s actually the gateway to the spiritual sector of the zodiac wheel of the chart. But not many people see it that way.
When I’ve tried to imagine the waveform of Saturn, what I see is a flatline. There is no resonance. And Saturn has been associated astrologically with death, and with those who work professionally in matters of death—not exclusively, but it does apply. It’s as though Saturn is stillness. This may be why Saturn has a reputation of blocking activity, or holding us back in mysterious ways. But there is a trick to this! Saturn seems to have no wave form at all. But how can this be? It has a beautiful hexagon formation at its own North Pole, which I think would be a resonance of the electromagnetic sound frequencies, possibly from the ice rings around it’s equator, an echo resonance of some sort there. And this geometrical shape is also recognised in astrology as a sequence of sextiles, being 60 degree angles. This is the aspect of half-won potential. But that’s another story.
I’ll also be talking about the elements in another episode and how I view those astrologically. But for now, I just want to say that I believe that the Saturn and Capricorn frequency is the earthiest of all the Earth signs. They’re not all the same. You know in astrology we have—I’m sure you’re aware of it—we have Fire signs, Earth signs, Water signs and Air signs. Yeah, Saturn is definitely the Earthiest of the Earth signs. So what this means is that the Saturn frequency is one that offers us no assistance in our expression. It’s therefore the initiation of the Earth Plane. Saturn is where we must make the changes in our life through the force of our own spirit, rather than being pushed or ignited to do something by an outside force, such as the Juipiter or Mars frequencies, etc. It’s the place where we take the ultimate responsibility. It’s been said in business circles, that the greater amount of responsibility you’re willing to take on in life is equivalent to the wealth and income you can generate. And this is also why Capricorn and Saturn have become traditionally known as the key indicators for success in the business world, and in our careers, relating also to the 10th House sector in your chart, the one that begins from Midheaven, literally the middle of the heavens above you. But astrologically that means the point that is the highest point the sun reaches that day. I’ll explain the Houses to you in a different time, if you’re not familiar with them.
So then I started to ponder Capricorn’s frequency. Capricorn and Saturn have to have a frequency. And there are radio waves that have been recorded from Saturn. In fact, here’s a snippet: [very ghostly sounds…] Sounds a bit spooky, doesn’t it? So I began to wonder if perhaps Saturn and Capricorn may have a similar basic tonal frequency to the Earth. Maybe it gets cancelled out by the Earth’s own resonance. Saturn is the tool of our spirit, not our ego. That’s why it’s so easily projected out onto other people or institutions. You know, Saturn can be policemen, or our teachers, or our parents, or our bosses at work, all that kind of stuff. So, obviously, Saturn must play a significant role in our exceptional purpose, as it’s also our fortitude, and our resolve. Of course, we can have a resolve to pass exams, increase our sales figures, lease the most expensive cars. But there is always a higher expression. Remember the knife in the last episode?
So, here’s the thing: The true perfection of Saturn is to bring in its polarity opposite, the Moon. This creates the yin-yang balance. Why the Moon?, you may ask. They do seem very, very different, don’t they. Well, the Moon resonates with the Cancerian frequency. And if you look at the zodiac wheel, Cancer is opposite Capricorn. So they’re polarity opposites. They’re two halves of one whole energy. So, the Cancerian emphasis is ultimately about nurturance, compassionate action. Not just compassion, but compassion in action, is what I’ve found, and loving-kindness. The Moon in your chart is connected to your memories, your past, the subconscious mind. And when you tap into our own memories, emotionally, you may feel more sympathy toward others who are going through the same scenarios or pain. This is not so much about mirror neurons (I think that’s something else), as the drive to bring happiness to others, which is loving-kindness. When this yin-yang polarity of Saturn and the Moon is completed, we can live through our Saturn to become authorities in our chosen field. This is the linking of loving-kindness and responsibility. It will be the companies and businesses that have a caring attitude towards their customers and a responsibility to the planet, that will thrive in especially this current era. You just watch them. Have you noticed how everyone has been upping their customer service lately, because we’re living in the Pluto in Capricorn era. If you get my newsletter, you’ll be able to download an article that I wrote about that, years and years ago, about this current era. This Pluto in Capricorn paradigm. This is another reason why Saturn is so important for us right now. Saturn in your astrology chart can feel a lot like working out with weights. If you flop your arms around, you know, it will take a long time to develop any strength in them. But if you put heavy weights in your hands, lifting them, rhythmically, they will provide the resistance from gravity, which will build strong muscles in your arms. It’s the same in Yoga when you lift your own weight in some asanas. So, this means that Saturn is the resistance we feel simply by being in a physical body affected by gravity, by hunger, by cold and heat, and physical pain. We have to maintain our spiritual composure and our focus on ethical responsibility, on work that leads to a healthy structure of some sort for other human beings. This is the task with Saturn.
And now we get to gravity. This is really interesting. Gravity is a very interesting phenomenon. And it would seem that gravity can be associated with the Saturn/Capricorn frequency. It’s a force that closes in and contains energy. It doesn’t disperse it. This is the opposite effect of Jupiter and Sagittarius. The planets Jupiter and Saturn are like the two great valves in the solar system. Jupiter frees up energy and spins out the energy at a super pace, and Saturn says “too much!” And closes it down again. So, one is a check for the other. But think about gravity for a moment. What happens when you sleep, when you lose consciousness of the physical world around you? Your body is pressed down hard against the bed, as close to the Earth’s centre as your bed and floor will allow. And then what happens when you wake up? When you get out of bed and stand up, you are defying the entire gravitational field of the Earth, with purely the strength of your will. You have the same bones and muscles you had while you were sleeping. But through the force of your consciousness, and your resolve, you were able to defeat gravity, well to a certain degreee. Perhaps, then, there may be some truth to the stories, you know, of yogis who levitate. Powerful consciousness may be able to do just that. I’m always fascinated by some things that crawl along the ceilings, you know. They don’t even notice gravity.
And of course, you can see what happens when you feel depressed, down-hearted (literally). Your shoulders stoop. Your posture changes. You slouch in chairs. Your breathing becomes shallow. You can see the force of gravity pushing down on the body. It does this because your spiritual consciousness is being defeated by your brain’s responses to environmental stimuli that echo unpleasant pastlife scenarios.
Would you like me to say that again? I’ll say it again: It does this because your spiritual consciousness is being defeated by your brain’s responses to environmental stimuli that echo unpleasant pastlife scenarios. Your Saturn has flat-lined.
So, Saturn, as the resolve of our spirit, is pushing down on us all the time, like Zen Master with a bamboo stick. We either use the Saturn frequency to become stronger, or we project it onto others, which is a defeat. Saturn, as our spiritual initiator, is where we are on our own. Where we must find our fortitude and resolve. It’s where we live by spiritual values, not egocentric ones. You see? It’s the gateway to the spiritual sector of the zodiac. The last three signs.
Saturn is an extremely important planet for people trying to live together on a single planet. Because without Saturn, we would have no ethics, no morality. We wouldn’t have the boundaries that we need in order to survive together. So, it’s really important that we develop these for ourselves.
We can’t all be masters of our human race, but we can develop our Saturn qualities within, to become masters of ourselves. And we do that by developing routines and rituals that honour our spiritual core. Now, Rituals and habits are two entirely different things. A habit is something that we have inadvertently programmed into the limbic system of our brain (which resonates with the Moon, generally), or a more obsessive habit can resonate with Pluto. And it may even be damaging for our health or sanity. Or worse, a habit may damage other beings. A habit is unconscious, so is usually more aligned with our ego-focus on self.
Now, a ritual is quite different. A ritual is something we do deliberately and regularly over time, to support our spiritual nature. So, a ritual is an expression of our Saturn frequency. We all have Saturn somewhere in our birth chart. The Sign it’s in, the House area it’s in, and also its geometric Aspects to other planets and the asteroids, of course. And that’s what gives you the clues to where you need take responsibility in your life.
As I’d illustrated in the last episode, we can use these astrological frequencies, that are available to us, at a variety of levels, depending on our awareness. There are many people on this Earth, who don’t live according to any sense of responsibility, and these people cannot, so far, access the Saturn frequency they were born under. Saturn, in this regard, does not exist for them. It is a flatline. They have to find their own Saturn within. And eventually life will force them to recognise their true essence. But it can sometimes take many lifetimes. And, you know, we’ve all been through that. We’ve all had those experiences in previous incarnations. Took us a while to get here. And this is one of the reasons why Saturn is also the frequency that relates to karma, which literally really means “action” from the ancient Sanskrit language. Karma being the “cause and effect” mechanism in your life. Though, it’s a little more complex than that, as the effects we experience are directly related to how we manage our Saturn sense of responsibility. We’ll get to more on that in another episode.
So, perhaps for this week, you might like to contemplate your habits versus your rituals, and maybe even start a new daily practice in something developmental. It can be Yoga, Tai Chi, Aikido, playing the piano, meditating, walking every day with an inspiring podcast, lighting a candle with spiritual intent, cooking your food with consciousness, whatever. And see if you can recognise where your Saturn frequency may be in your life; where you sense you can become an authority figure for others, through leading with compassion and loving-kindness.
Remember, where you place your resolve has a great deal to do with the results you experience in your life.
Thank you for listening. If you’re enjoying this podcast, please leave a rating, and a revue if you’d like, at Apple Podcasts; and please consider subscribing. If you have questions you’d like me to answer in future episodes, you can leave me a voice message, which you might hear on the show, after downloading the podcast app, or go to my website All the links are in the show notes there as well. And if you’d like to know more about me and my work, my main site is, and while you’re there you can also download aa couple of my Resource Guide ebooklets—for business and also for authors, which is pretty much all of us now—when you subscribe to my newsletter.
Have an exceptional week!
Astrology & Purpose | Interview 2006 | 2:28 minutes
Another brief excerpt from my 2006 TV interview by Robyn Walker on her program ‘Conversations With Robyn’. Here I discuss why Purpose is important for our wellbeing, and I try to dispel the myth that Astrology is about Sun Signs!
RW: Well, before we start to find out a little bit of your journey, is it possible for you just, you know, in a couple of sentences to tell us why what you do, for example, and some astrologers like you, what you do that’s different?
KR: Ah, I suppose my orientation is very spiritual in a lot of ways in that I’m helping people to find their highest purpose in life, to find what they’re really here to do. Because I have, I have a theory, really, that has been borne out that you don’t really need to work with people psychologically with their personalities so much; you don’t need to sit down and say, “Well you have a problem with jealousy” or “You have a problem with resentment”. People know that, that’s why they’ve come for some guidance, you know, for some understanding of what’s going on with them and why they’re not happy in their lives. And I’ve found that once you can find the exact purpose that someone has in their life, what their career should be, what their talents are; and give them permission to actually access those abilities that are inherently within them, all the negative personality traits disappear, and people become happier and centered. And most people are resentful in life because they’re not feeling fulfilled. So I’m actually working with people on a level that is, I guess, more inspirational, in a lot of ways, and, and not so much caught up in the Western psychology but I bring a lot of Buddhist Psychology into what I do which is, it’s a much more spiritual emphasis, so it’s quite different.
Chiron Into Aries: A Positive View
I have deleted this Feb 2019 video from YouTube and re-edited the audio for my podcast instead, with some additions — available on most podcast platforms.
My podcast episode 4 (series 1) on:
Your Exceptional Purpose | Astrology podcast
(links to Kerrie’s podcast website)
And a lot of astrologers have, especially Western astrologers, have this dire kind of way of seeing Chiron like it’s some sort of terrible wound in the chart, you know. It’s exactly the opposite. It’s got nothing to do with a wound. That’s not Chiron’s function astrologically. That’s not how it affects the brain.
But somehow, because of a tiny little part of his mythological story, Western astrologers dived on that and turned it into this great drama. And that’s not what it is. I just had to put something out about this, I had to speak up — because it drives me nuts, it drives me
[ sound of crowd booing ]
Just to give you a little bit of background: I work with Buddhist psychology in my work with astrology because I find it’s just far superior to Western psychology in understanding the mind at multiple layers, and levels, and how all the parts of the mind interact together as one.
Chiron is a very, very important part of the astrology chart; and it looks, the symbol of Chiron, looks like a little key. And it is actually the key to the chart in a lot of ways.
And in 1987 I started working with Chiron after I found Barbara Hand Clow’s wonderful book on Chiron: The Rainbow Bridge.
Chiron was only discovered in November 1979, so it’s quite new in terms of our awareness of this thing floating around between Saturn and Uranus in a regular orbit. So it’s a predictable orbit, so we have an ephemeris that tells us where it is.
And I think Barbara Hand Clow really did grasp what Chiron is really resonating with.
To me, it has a lot to do with the energy in the crown and this Chiron energy is the part that rewires the brain that gets rid of the old wiring that’s got all our habitual behavior in it. It’s like through Chiron we can stop this “Groundhog Day” thing of always repeating our past-life scenarios over and over and over again. So the Chiron is very important.
And I’ve discovered, because I work with Buddhist psychology, and particularly Yogacara psychology (which is a whole other thing I’m writing some books on at the moment), Buddhist psychology I would say relates to Chiron through the awareness of bodhicitta. Chiron is the bodhicitta in the chart. This is… bodhi means ‘awake’ and citta [pron. chitta] means ‘mind’ so it’s the ‘awakened mind’. And when a mind is awake, its Enlightened — that’s the Enlightened Mind.
So, Chiron is a part of the chart, it’s not a wound, it’s your enlightenment. It’s a part of the chart that is here for the benefit of others. This is the part that’s come in here with a mission. Like taking on a movie role. That Chiron part of us doesn’t care if it’s going to be happy or miserable or sad, it’s irrelevant.
The enlightened mind has no attachment to the past, and no grasping at an impossible future. It creates that future in the moment with the circumstances that we’re in right now. So, the Sign position of Chiron has some relevance, but the House position it’s in is very, very important. I use the Placidus system of Houses which I find works really well, and that’s a whole other discussion. And also the Aspects to Chiron are really vital. And most importantly are the asteroid Aspects to Chiron.
And I work with (quite uniquely, I think), I work with a full set of almost 20,000 asteroids. And the asteroids are the ‘body-text’ of the chart. They’re like the part that fills in all the little details. The planets are like just chapter headings. The asteroids are the details inside the chapters.
So you always find really relevant asteroids connected to Chiron either by geometrical degree or sitting right on it, which are quite vital. But that’s a whole other thing.
Now what happens with Chiron by Transit up there as it’s moving through the heavens is that everyone on the planet feels it to some degree when it’s in a particular Sign because that Sign is really an anomaly in the Earth’s magnetic field. It’s being filtered through the Earth’s field, through that particular frequency. And then that energy combined affects the brain.
We get, like, it’s a resonance, it’s like a sound resonance that we have. It’s like two tuning forks that ring together, you know we’ve got this resonance happening. Then we go through a big shift.
So Chiron was in Pisces for a while: Kind of looking for things and grasping at stuff and trying to figure out, you know, what am I here for, and is there a spiritual destiny. A lot of people started practicing Yoga. People were sort of
starting to touch all this sort of stuff.
But now that it’s in Aries … and I’ll tell you it went into Aries … I’ll give you a Universal Time and you can work out your own Time Zone: It went into Aries at 9:10 a.m. Universal Time on February 18 2019. And I don’t know if you felt it, but there is a big shift that happens at that time when it switches Signs.
Now what’s happening is, it’s what’s going on in the psyche is the most important thing, and what it means for you. Chiron going into Aries means the dress rehearsal is over and now we’re going to get kicked in the butt to get our real work out there in the world.
This is not about a big wound, it’s not this terrible thing we have to face, la-la-la. There’s another part of that in the chart, The Insidious Saboteur in the Psyche — I’ve written most of the book now, about that. And that’s a book on the real thing in the chart that is the bugbear that sabotages us and stops us from moving forward. So I’ll be talking more about that at another at time.
But Chiron is not that, Chiron is not that at all. Chiron is that part of us that has this great aspiration to find our niche in the world, to uplift the human condition, to become better human beings, to get our spiritual power back by helping people. You don’t get spiritual power back by demolishing things, any idiot can do that. You have to really find something that you have that’s unique to you because of your past experiences. All the lifetimes that you’ve lived before.
You know, when Siddhartha, the Buddha, reached Enlightenment, in that moment where he had this big Awakening his ego popped up, this little ego voice popped up, the little… this insidious saboteur in the psyche popped up, and said to him ‘Now who are you to think you know all of this, who are you to think you can sort of rescue the world and have all these answers and reach Enlightenment!’ And the Buddha put his hands on the earth and he said ‘The Earth is my witness’.
And what that really means is that the Earth had witnessed all of his previous incarnations and all the different forms he had lived, and had seen all the things that he had learned and accumulated, and all of the achievements and everything he had been through. And because of his past experiences he had a right to that moment of Enlightenment. He had a right to that Awakening because he’d put the hard work in.
And so this is the thing with us: you know you have a lot of things that you’ve done in previous lives that you’re not even aware of now. And some of them were magnificent, and some are pretty horrible — we’ve all got some horrible stuff in our past, we’ve all got the skeletons in the closet. But we’re always trying to make up for that by doing the good stuff. We never stop trying to sort of reach that moment of Enlightenment where nothing bothers us.
When you’re an Enlightened person, when you’ve reached Enlightenment, you have no hanging on to the past. There are no regrets. there are no sort of melodramatic kind of memories and yearnings, and and also we’re not always living in the future. We’re actually experiencing the moment without any preconditioning and seeing everything as it is.
I mean, you know, as an example you can walk down the street and see some beautiful roses in someone’s garden: one person walks past and says “Aren’t they beautiful, they smell lovely, isn’t that divine”, and walks on. Another person walks past and thinks ‘Oh, they remind me of the roses I gave that woman I was in love with, and, and then she dumped me, and then, and I’ll never see her again’. You can see how the emotion starts spiraling down in the brain you know.
So this is the trap that we all have with this limbic system of the brain back here, it’s connected to our memories. And when you have an Enlightened mind you’re not, you’re not bothered by those memories. Let’s help other people so they don’t fail, you know. That’s the whole purpose of it.
So Chiron going into Aries is a big kick in the butt. If you’ve been stagnant, if you haven’t been doing what you’re meant to be doing, if you’ve been avoiding doing your real work, you’re gonna get a big kick. And that’s not a wound. That’s your own spirit saying ‘let’s get into gear, let’s do this, Lets…’
You know, if you’ve got a really close best friend and you both decided what you’re gonna go out and do something really exciting like at five o’clock in the morning and you’re planning this great trip somewhere, and you’ve got, you know, the car’s all packed, and you’re in bed sound asleep and your best friend comes and shakes you and shakes you “It’s five o’clock! We’ve got to go! We gotta go! We can’t miss this. We’ve gotta go now or we’re gonna miss it. Come on, come on, we’ve gotta go!” And you’re going, “yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…”
Well, Chiron is like that best friend. When Chiron’s in Aries it’s the best friend with an alarm clock on your ear, saying, “Now! Do it now! Do it now! Don’t wait.”
So we’ve got seven years before it moves into Taurus. When it goes into Taurus you’re going to get the rewards from doing this kind of work which will help you to do the work even further.
But you know, you’ve got to, you’ve just got to look at these things positively. Chiron in Aries: Aries initiates new energy. Chiron, the Awakened Mind, with the life plan. Chiron carries your life plan and it’s up here just above your crown, and you’ve got to bring it into the crown, you’ve got to bring that awareness through.
If you’ve got something you’ve always wanted to do, do it, find a way to do it. Find a way to start. Because once you start it’s incredible the kind of help that you get, and I’m not the first person to say this. You’ll find some wonderful quotes from antiquity about this. But miracles happen. And I’ve seen some extraordinary miracles in my life and, you know, they keep happening. So you can do it.
So there’s nothing dramatic about Chiron going into Aries. The only drama you’ll experience from Chiron moving into Aries: if you just dig your feet in and you say ‘No, I’m not gonna do that, I’m just gonna go and get drunk’ or ‘I’m gonna do this’. Then you might get a few problems because that spiritual part of you is gonna push you and push you and push you. It’s like that best friend trying to wake you up. They’ll throw a bucket of water over you to wake you up at five o’clock in the morning so you can get in the car and go, you know?
That’s a good friend. That’s a good friend who does that. A bad friend says ‘I’m going without you’ and walks out the door. A good friend will do anything to drag you out the door with him. You see the difference? So that’s what’s happening with Chiron right now.
So you can expect in general, we can have a lot of wonderful human innovations, even more innovations!, coming up but certainly with technology and all kinds of things. New systems, new ways of doing things. And there’ll be a lot of really interesting changes going on, which, because new plans will be initiated.
But you know, in human culture there are always people who are a little bit unaware. You know, there are lots of levels of consciousness on the planet. You can see that on YouTube: You get some really lovely polite people, and some encouraging people, and you get the real turds, you know. And it’s because some people are not Awake yet, they’re not aware. They haven’t woken up yet, because when people start waking up, when people become really compassionate open-hearted people, they don’t usually go backwards. They don’t go back to being ignorant. They try to keep moving forward. And sometimes you know there are things that make us a little bit sad or a little bit whatever, because we still have the brain ‘wiring’ that we haven’t completely changed yet.
So there’s a lot of new stuff happening in your brain right now from Chiron going into Aries. As a backdrop, we still have Pluto in Capricorn, so until … until the end of 2023. And Pluto being in Capricorn — I’ve spoken about this on another YouTube video in an interview that I gave — Pluto in Capricorn is all about working with ethics, higher morality, getting the structures right, getting the systems right.
And you can see a lot of that’s happening in the United States right now. You know, America’s really copping it.
Pluto is all about our survival issues. So we’re still in that umbrella of Pluto in Capricorn. So, we’re still working through a lot of issues to do with ethics, on a global scale. Ethics, Authoritarianism, authority structures, systems. All that kind of stuff is really to the fore. Even in business, you can see it with apps — there are systems for everything.
So this is what’s going on. Pluto in Aquarius will be very different. But right now: Chiron going into Aries with Pluto in Capricorn…
So I just wanted to get that out, that Chiron, itself: you should not focus on Chiron as a wound in the chart because it is not. It’ll completely mislead you if you look at it as a wound. If you have a planet that makes a 90 degree angle to Chiron then it’s that planet that may be the wound, not the Chiron, that planetary energy has blocked you from expressing your pure Bodhicitta aspiration in another lifetime, that’s what that means. But the Chiron is intact. It’s the other planet that you’ve got to work on. You see? OK.
Children & Consciousness
A live interview with Kerrie Redgate, by Jane Hanckel of the Spirit of Childhood Foundation. A completely ‘off the cuff’ bucket of surprises!
Kerrie’s note: I only made one serious error: I talked about ‘gamma rays‘ rather than ‘gamma waves‘! Just a slip of the tongue as I’m researching at both the macro and micro ends (cosmos and brain).
Astrology and Kerrie’s 2006 GFC Warning for 2008 | 6:20 minutes
Kerrie Redgate’s mid-2006 warning about the new global paradigm to come for the world economy (which became known as the GFC) for early 2008. This was a simple deduction based on frequency changes in the Earth’s field that would affect all living things in some way, but particularly the human species and human civilization. And we’ve only got 2 more years left to take advantage of this paradigm! It won’t be back in your lifetime.
Kerrie’s Note:
And now lots of information, with curated videos, on my Exceptional Purpose Resource blog about the new 20-year Paradigm we have just entered (as of March 23 2023), even though Pluto has dipped back into Capricorn from June 11 2023 until January 21 2024, to give us time to straighten out some ethical and judicial things with the new Aquarian awakening we’ve experienced in the background.
Reincarnation & Consciousness | 2006 | 6:11 minutes
Another excerpt from Kerrie Redgate’s 2006 TV interview on ‘Conversations with Robyn’. Here, an explanation on what Reincarnation is, and what it isn’t. It may help to clarify some misunderstandings.
Kerrie’s Note: I have two books I’m currently writing about my research into reincarnation. I’ve decided to launch In 5,000 Years: A True Novel first before the Astrology and Mind series. You can read about these on my Author site HERE.
Padmasambhava Mantra
A humble offering. Kerrie Redgate singing the mantra of the great 8th century tantric yogi / siddha who helped establish esoteric Buddhism in Tibet, through His great compassion and skill.
Padmasambhava also buried terma teachings in various parts of Tibet, and has also been known to inspire teachings telepathically.
(Note: Photo of the Tantric Dance in Tibet both courtesy of and © Gillane Fonseka.)
More videos on the way …